April 19th-22nd

Hello, I hope that you had a fantastic long weekend.  We are excited about our upcoming Spring Concert on Thursday evening.  Students need to be in their formal uniform with navy socks.  If you have any questions, please just email me so that I can help out.

We will need some parent volunteers for our upcoming in school field trip on May 5th from 12:30-2:00.  Please email me and let me know if you are able to help out.

Ms. Thomson💕

 April 4th, 2022

Just a quick reminder to send in your ticket form and money soon for the Willy Wonka Spring Performance that will take place on Thursday April 21st in the evening at First Alliance Church.  If you have handed in the form and money, tickets will come home soon.

If you celebrate Ramadan, you can wear your formal Ramadan clothing to school on Friday April 8th.

Also, I will be sending home the weekly mad minutes that we complete in class.  This is so you can see how your child is doing and have him/her practice using mental math strategies to quickly complete the basic facts in 60 seconds.  Once a week, we do a subtraction and an addition mad minute sixty second timed test.  There are some mad minutes as part of the homework that you can access and you can also google extra practice mad minutes to have your child practice.

Enjoy looking at the bird's nests and robin's eggs that we made out of modelling clay .