October 31st, 2021

A Peek At Our Learning:

In literacy, we have been working on developing our strategies for decoding words that we are stuck on.  Here are the strategies we practiced last week in our guided reading groups.  You can encourage your child to use these strategies at home when he/she is stuck on a word.

In Numeracy, we have continued to practice the making 10 strategy for addition by separating ten objects in as many ways as we can and adding the matching equation.  Next week, we will be learning about the zero rule and adding one to a given number.  

In Art, we were working on using different shapes to create our own art pieces.  Enjoy our funny pumpkin faces. 

I hope that you have a fun and safe Halloween!!!

October 25th-29th

Please scroll down to see the rock blurb below this post.
Students need to choose a special rock from their community and bring it in to school by Wednesday this week. Thanks for your help๐Ÿ˜‰

We are getting to be amazing writers in Room 21.  We work hard to set up our page, write sticky letters on the line, try not to mix upper and lower case letters and sound out words to write.  We also try to put a capital at the beginning of our sentences and period at the end.  We have been using picture prompts and asking: 
What do we see?
What do we think?
What do we wonder?
After class conversations and sharing, students write down their ideas.
Here are some writing pieces that we worked on last week for you to enjoy.


In Numeracy, we have been continuing with number representation, solving simple math problems, making addition equations using subitizing dots and making 10 as a strategy for addition.
One of our ways to represent numbers includes the number line.  We are also practicing skip counting on the number line.
Have a wonderful week ahead, I look forward to seeing everyone's costumes on Friday.
 Ms. Thomson๐Ÿ’“