January 24th-28th

A Peek at our Learning

Language Arts-In Language Arts we have been working on writing sentences with descriptive words.  We made some snowmen out of modelling clay and then wrote some sentences that included descriptive words.  "My snowman has a long, pointy, bright orange, carrot nose."  First, we brainstormed many snowman descriptive words so that we had a word bank to use while writing.  Next week, we will be using our editing checklists to edit our snowman writing.  

We have also spent time coming up with some learning goals to work toward in the new year.   We look forward to sharing them with you in our Grade One Assembly that will be shared with you virtually at the end of the month.  Stay tuned:)

Math-In Math, we continue to solidify our addition facts to 20 using our mental math strategies.  We have spent time getting to know our friendly doubles.  Double's aren't trouble for us in Room 21💕. Ask your child to recite his/her friendly doubles to 20 for you:)